Build the Perfect Alumni Database for Accreditations – Start Now!
Alumni Database

Build the Perfect Alumni Database for Accreditations – Start Now!

Databases for alumni are vital to every learning institution. The data and information is needed by any institution to communicate, engage and track the alumni. It also plays an important role in getting good accreditations for the institute.

Getting “successfully accredited” from a recognized body is quite imperative for any higher education institution. For being successfully accredited, an institute requires the alumni database to be sorted and perfect as per the guidelines mentioned. 

As mentioned in our previous blog, How Can Your Institution be in the Top NIRF Ranked Institutions, we had discussed how important it is to build an alumni database for an institute to get good rankings. Today we will talk about what are the contributing factors that need to be taken care of while building a perfect alumni database for achieving good accreditations.

Up-to-Date Alumni Database

All institutions are required to submit an updated alumni database to the accreditation bodies. Most of the institutions are still maintaining alumni databases in excel sheets. With hundreds of students graduating every year, institutions hold a huge volume of databases which makes updating the same a difficult task.

With technology growing every day, institutions shall adopt the same maintaining the databases on an online portal where the alumni community can manage their profiles and keep updating the same from time-to-time. This will automate the database management process for the institutes, with alumni sharing each new update in with the alumni network themselves.

Higher-Ed Details of Alumni 

These days many alumni opt to take up higher education from colleges out of India. Ranking bodies consider this as a parameter, where the institutions need to showcase the details of the institute where their alumni have chosen to take up their higher education.

However, finding details on the same and connecting with the alumni becomes a tedious task, especially if the contact details of the alumni aren’t available. So, it is very crucial for the institutions to maintain connections with their alumni network and build a bond that can be valuable for both the alumni and the alma mater.

Track Your Alumni

Institutions need to keep a track of all alumni who have been active, what they have been up to, where are they located, which organization they work in, etc from time-to-time. You must be thinking about how tracking alumni can help you with accreditations. Right?

Tracking the alumni network will help institutions identify their alumni community in various areas like:

  • What is the industry they currently work in?
  • What is their designation?
  • Are they a part of the top management or not?
  • Who all are the thought leaders?
  • Where are they located?

And many more..

This can further help the alma mater in planning engagement activities for the alumni based on the segments they fall in and also help in identifying who they can seek support from for activities like placements, mentorship programs, expert lectures, etc. However, tracking the alumni community effortlessly can contribute towards easing out a lengthy procedure that the alumni coordinators work on.


Alumni are the brand ambassadors of the institutions. Hence, maintaining and managing an alumni database is very essential for any institution applying for accreditations to get a good and higher position. This indirectly gives them a presence among the top-rated institutions and boosts their brand awareness.

Also, with new technology solutions, alumni database management can be automated and made effortless.

To learn more on how the same can be done, connect with us at [email protected] and leave behind the stress of managing numerous excels.