How IIT-Delhi Received Huge Alumni Support in its Fund Raiser Program
Case: Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Alumni Association (IITDAA) strived to contribute to its Alumni Community and Society. One such program launched was ‘Village Adoption Program (VAPUSI)’ under Swatchchhta Initiative, where they wanted to support villages around Delhi NCR with basic facilities like Sanitation, Education, etc. The Alumni Association wanted to raise funds from its… Read More »How IIT-Delhi Received Huge Alumni Support in its Fund Raiser Program
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Alumni Association (IITDAA) strived to contribute to its Alumni Community and Society. One such program launched was ‘Village Adoption Program (VAPUSI)’ under Swatchchhta Initiative, where they wanted to support villages around Delhi NCR with basic facilities like Sanitation, Education, etc. The Alumni Association wanted to raise funds from its 35k+ alumni base.

The initiative was widely promoted on IITD Alumni Platform powered by AlmaShines in 2018. It got tremendous appreciation from alumni and many alumni encouraged the initiative by offering their participation with the overwhelming response from alumni, a dedicated fund was established to seek monetary support from alumni and boost the impact of VAPUSI Initiative. The fund raiser was launched with “Fund Raising Module” on the alumni platform, with 26000+ active alumni. Strong engagement and reach out campaigns were designed to harness the active alumni base on platform using “Mailing Engine” and “Social Media Channels”.
Immediately, the alumni community was thrilled to be a part of this noble initiative and as a result of the same, Rs. 19.81 Lakhs in a span of 1 month.
The initiative continues to become even a bigger success and IITDAA continues to get stronger with AlmaShines Alumni Platform.