Create a Virtual Alumni Office for Your Institution
Alumni Relations

Create a Virtual Alumni Office for Your Institution

As graduates of the institution, alumni have a special connection with the university. Harnessing the same, it is very necessary for the institutions to stay closely connected with their alumni community, no matter what comes.

During certain unavoidable situations, like the COVID-19 attack, we strongly believe that the Alumni Engagement should stay consistent and ongoing as it is the time to stay together and face the challenge. However, it becomes difficult for the Alumni Offices to manage all alumni operations away from the workplace.

With the Virtual Alumni Office, you can stay connected with your alumni online and keep them updated of the latest information. Here are the few ways in which you can Build Your Own Virtual Office in 4 Easy Steps:

1. Stay Connected With Your Alumni Easily

In the era of Social Media and Online Communications, it can become very easy for the Alumni Offices to easily connect with their Alumni Community by harnessing channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Emails, etc. This way they can regularly keep their alumni updated about the latest news and happenings.

2. Plan Online Engagement Campaigns

Devise various online alumni engagement campaigns for your alumni community, like conducting online meets, mentoring sessions with students or soon-to-be-graduates, networking opportunities with other alumni, etc. This way the Alumni Offices can build strong connections with and within the alumni community.

3. Raise Funds Virtually

Unable to plan the Alumni Giving Day Event? You can easily run an online fundraising campaign with your alumni community right from informing them about the campaign to collecting funds online and from keeping them updated with daily happenings to engaging them even after the campaign has ended. All of this can be managed online, saving time and efforts of the Alumni Offices.

4. Boost Alumni Professional Networks

Alumni are a huge pool of talent, whose guidance can be beneficial to many students and other fellow-alumni in their respective areas of study. You can boost professional networking opportunities within the alumni community online where alumni from various fields and industries can network easily.

Connecting with your alumni community now made simpler with advancing technology, a Virtual Alumni Office!