Digital Alumni Card: The Future of Virtual Engagement
Alumni Engagement

Digital Alumni Card: The Future of Virtual Engagement

Alumni cards are a small yet significant part of alumni relations management. These cards are a mode of identifying registered/verified members and also a means of giving them access to alumni events as a member. As the global pandemic disrupted many physical processes, distributing and delivering physical alumni membership cards has become difficult. 

A unique concept of digital alumni cards has been introduced to educational institutions concerning the recent situations worldwide. The concept of digital i-cards was meant to give online identity to alumni for easy verification but is now a key component to boost alumni engagement.

Besides being cost-effective, digital alumni cards are globally accessible, highly secure, and flexible to use from anywhere in the world. Until now, the digital alumni card was a mere tool to verify and authenticate alumni of the institutes. But the functionalities and possibilities with alumni i-cards have increased beyond mere identification. With this, institutions can unleash a wide array of benefits and accomplish:

1. Strong Database Building:

A digital alumni card helps you build your alumni database. How? To apply for a digital alumni card an alum has to create his profile, fill in the essential information, and get it verified from the admin’s end. It means, every time there’s a request for an alumni card, the database gets updated with the latest information or new alumni profiles. Because of this phenomenon, digital alumni i-cards get directly linked with the alumni profiles on the platform. Ultimately, an automatic growth in the alumni database enables alumni coordinators to build new connections. 

2. Robust Alumni Engagement:

Digital alumni cards bring O2O (Offline to Online) integration which gives a lot more power to the alumni offices. Virtual alumni cards can double up the engagement rate and also help in analyzing the engagement via the database. For instance, an alumnus can use his digital card to attend in-person events, and with the same card, he can participate in an online networking event, too! A digital alumni cardholder can get entry into the events easily with a quick scan. There’s no surprise in increasing alumni participation by ensuring a smooth and straightforward participation experience. 

3. Real-time Alumni Tracking:

With a simple scan, alumni can become a part of an event. From the total scan made to enter into the event, an institution can directly track the number of attendees. Isn’t it great? Moreover, institutes can monitor alumni who regularly interact with the campus. They can know which alumni members avail exclusive facilities of the institutions and use this information further to boost alumni engagement. Besides this, when an alum applies for a digital alumni card, s/he gets tapped by the platform. This way, institutes can even track their lost alumni in any corner of the world. 

“When it comes to possibilities, imagination is the limit.” 

The same lies with leveraging digital alumni cards for better alumni relations and boosted alumni engagement. You might wonder then, what’s the future of digital alumni cards?

Below we have mentioned a few but not the only possibilities associated with digital alumni cards:

1. Replacing Physical Cards By 100%: 

Institutes issue membership cards to alumni that they use to avail themselves of exclusive member facilities, participate in events, make payments, etc. But what if all the functionalities of a physical membership card are available in the digital alumni card also? It can benefit both the institutes and the alumni. Institutes can get rid of all the hassles of creating, issuing, and distributing physical cards. Whereas, the alumni don’t have to go anywhere. Rather, access their cards online from anywhere. 

2. Increasing Brand Recognition: 

Digital alumni cards are customizable. Institutes can incorporate the pictures of brand ambassadors or noteworthy alumni in the eCard highlighting their achievements and contributions to society. Keeping the alumni leaders in the spotlight might get the attention of every alumni member. It increases the credibility of the institute and a sense of pride for their alma mater in the eyes of alumni. An increase in credibility means increased brand recognition, and in turn, elevated engagement

3. Inviting Brand Sponsorship: 

Anyone from universities, colleges, schools, companies to alumni themselves can sponsor the digital alumni cards. In return, they expect their brand logo to be placed on the digital card for personal promotion. Inviting brand sponsorship can create an additional revenue stream for the institution. Plus, with co-branded cards, institutes can also offer exclusive discounts, early access, premium services, and much more to the cardholders. 

Go Digital to Save the Planet

Now we know all the excellent benefits and brilliant possibilities that come with digital alumni cards. Being an institute, you can do one more thing. Reduce your carbon footprint and go green by eliminating physical cards. 

Unlike physical identification cards, digital alumni cards give you an environment-friendly alternative. While doing good, be a hero in the eyes of your alumni and current students. So go digital and save the planet! 

Curious to know more about Digital Alumni I-cards? Collaborate with us and redefine giving alumni experience to your alumni in this digital age!